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Your Appointment. What Happens?


Your initial evaluation is with Nasha Holt, MD. Dr. Holt is a Family Physician who has exclusively focused her practice on headache-related issues since 2006. In addition to her medical background, Dr. Holt has received extensive training in the Strategic Orthopedics Spine System, which provides a specialized therapeutic neck exercise approach to neck-generated head and face pain. Dr. Holt is in the unique position of being able to offer a comprehensive approach to headaches that heals the source of head, face and neck pain. In the care of headache patients, she:

1. Rules out threatening causes of headaches (like tumors, infection, brain bleeds and hypertension) with a thorough medical evaluation.

2. Provides pain medication management until healing allows the tapering of pain meds. This includes safely transitioning patients from medications that cause rebound headaches.

3. Provides a detailed mechanical evaluation of the cervical spine. This forms the basis for instructing patients in progressive neck exercises that heal common sources of head and face pain.

» Evaluation Time: 1 1/2 hours

Read more about Dr. Nasha Holt and our staff


Nasha Holt, MD, will provide your ongoing care as you are coached to perform the therapeutic neck exercises that form the foundation of your headache healing program. In the care of headache patients, she:

1. Coaches patients through a program of progressive, therapeutic neck exercises that heal the root cause of head and face pain.

2. Continues to provide pain medication management until healing allows the tapering of pain meds.

3. Carefully educates patients and encourages consistent lifestyle choices which promote healing of the neck structures that cause headaches. Topics covered include how to optimize sleep, adopt a health-promoting diet, choose neck-friendly exercise, practice effective stress management techniques, and use nutritional supplementation.

4. Refers patients for consultation to specialty colleagues in Neurology and Pain Management, as patient needs require (e.g. cervical ESI's, EMG studies, second opinions for refractory pain problems).

» Follow-up Time: 45 minutes